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I am actually really excited to announce a category of blog posts I will be bringing to the metaverse marketer. As a meditation enthusiast and avid reader of mindfulness content, I want to bring some insights I have gained through mindfulness that I want to start writing on… you guessed it… Mondays!

I am expanding my writing to include more personal content!

What to Expect from Mindfulness content

Though many of my initial blog thoughts are still floating around in the draft stage, you can expect me to write about books, daily meditation practices, and my experience bringing meditation into my work-life balance.

I discovered mindfulness in the zen Buddhist tradition of Tich Nhat Hanh and received the 5 mindfulness training in the fall of 2021. As a meditation fan, I recognize that my style of Buddhism is not for everyone.

In addition, I realize that my flavor of meditation is influenced by the religious experiences of my past so I plan on bringing those into mindfulness Mondays as well.

Mindful Feedback is Appreciated!

As I share my thoughts on a topic close to my heart, I encourage you to leave mindful and constructive feedback on the posts. What do you like to hear? What do you like to read? When am I oversharing and when do you feel I could share more?

Meditation is definitely a practice I want to include more detailed information on and feel that many people of all faiths can practice as well to relieve anxiety, and depression and live a more peaceful life.

I want to encourage you to share your experience in meditation and mindfulness with me in both the comments and in your own blogs!

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