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As I’ve been involved in the marketing sphere, I’ve noticed that there are a couple of key resources that every type of person brings to the table. Some people are naturally tuned in to the way the Zeitgeist spins, other people are experts at understanding what data tells us when they see it.

But above all the marketing industry is one of the few industries that uniquely benefits and suffers depending on the mental health of the working congregation.

How does Mental Health work in the Marketing Industry? 

Integrated marketing departments in some of the world’s biggest industries can sometimes feel alienated. The goals of marketing often should be aligned with the goals of the rest of a company…. but that doesn’t mean that that’s how it always turns out. Human resources, the head office, the financial wing, all these departments of a company can typically see marketing as an expense rather than a business essential.

But the problem with putting your marketing team on pause is it’s often your marketing team that makes it the simplest sales possible.

But that is a conversation for a different article.

The real point here is that every marketing professional thrives when they’re allowed to use creativity. However, Creativity is a resource that is only available to those who have a certain degree of happiness Built-in their life.

In fact, in every marketing atmosphere that I’ve worked in it’s been extremely important to keep everybody happy. Giving bonding activities and frequent meetings for collaboration and activities around the office that opened the door for creativity are absolutely essential.

Furthermore, marketing offices are more likely to have biweekly or monthly “how’s your workload” conversations to avoid burning out of the creative space.

What does a Successful Marketing Work Environment Look like? 

A successful marketing creativity headspace requires a designer, analyst, or campaign manager to be given the headspace necessary for remembering the broader picture. If your marketing professionals don’t have the mental space to build create and design then they will suffer from having to get bogged in the details.

Here’s an example from my experience in web design:

I meet with clients and review their websites. In that review, I need to focus on the big picture of the website while I ask the clients to give me input on making the details correct (image, text and video content). If I get too involved on the content part of the process, it distracts from the overall build of the website. That can be a bad experience for both me and the client. Further, it can make the website look bad as a result.

Unfortunately, I had this happen with a very recent client.. The client cared very little about making sure that all the visual content was in place which meant the design of the piece suffered while I got down in the nitty gritty to design the copy for the website instead of the whole design of the build.

So… if it seems like your marketing consultant or designer is too often with their head in the clouds… don’t get mad at them. They need to be in that headspace to make your marketing funnels possible.

Is marketing a good career path? 

Imagining email campaigns and social media campaigns and website design and content marketing is not something that you can do if you’re too focused on getting the details done. Marketing is the perfect space for individuals that are allowed to look at everything with a bigger picture in mind. Yes, we all have a space where we prefer to get into the weeds and the details, but you should always allow your marketing professionals to get into is into the clouds with their campaigns.

It’s extremely important that they keep their head in that space. Because you pay them to build your content, design your products and communicate in mass with your customers. They need to keep themselves in a higher headspace to work effectively.

This all starts with keeping them happy. Generally, marketing pros know how to keep themselves scoped out so they can effectively target your audience, product, or design. My advice is to listen to their recommendations and learn from their experience.

A happy marketer is a successful campaign. Simple as that.

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