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Kanye does what every artist should be doing… he creates a reality where his content is impossible to ignore.

The traditional marketing method is to find your audience, create content they will like, then promote that content to them on their preferred platform.

On average this will get you a fairly successful marketing campaign. But if you want to do anything better than average you need to think outside the box.

I believe Kanye West is one of the best marketing professionals we have seen in our modern era.

Whether you want to call it building your own lane, or becoming a trendsetter, Kanye West capitalizes on a single phenomenon… Himself.

Everything from his music style and fashion design to business savvy and presidential campaign REEKED of Kanye.

Every Artists Should Create Their Own Metaverse 

Artistry is not based off of how well you pay attention to the masses, but how well you reject the status quo.

Starting with his first debut album Kanye, started his own universe in which to create music in. Known as one of the best hip-hop producers of the early 2000s, Kanye knew that he could rap and didn’t listen to those who said the world was too small for another black rapper.

Its this exact same advice that I give to everybody I know within the content creation space. Don’t listen to anyone if they don’t understand your Metaverse.

Develop your vision. The difference between you and every billionaire on the planet is vision. Knowing the meta that you want to create in the universe that you want to exist is the most important thing to know when you’re starting a business or developing your brand.

Ultimately Kanye’s brand is not super definable. Kanye doesn’t let anyone tell him something is impossible and has led to a lot of successes and a lot of flops at the same time.

There’s a major element to Kanye’s brand also that comes out narcissistic. This is easily fixable but Kanye ultimately chooses not to combat it. Kanye’s brand treats Kanye as a god without fault. Kanye knows what his brand is and bases the emotion of his music off of that brand.

Millions are awaiting the new Kanye West album and I am more than excited to see how Kanye’s brand changes after his divorce.

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