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Recently, Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook and Oculus sat down with journalists from The Verge to discuss.. everything. From the way that Facebook moderates and interacts with content to the future of marketing through VR platforms

As I listen to this interview, one thing that stuck out to me most was the way that Mark Zuckerberg referred to the future of his platform, Facebook.

To Zuckerberg, Facebook is a placeholder for the future of content. In fact,the future of the way we will interact with each other is not in the 2D dimension that you and me are interacting on now.

How does Metaverse Content Work? 

Currently, you are reading this article through a blog that I posted on WordPress. This means that there is an inherent 2D barrier that prevents us from being able to connect in a few ways. I have to condense my thoughts into paragraphs, phrases, and quotes that will allow me to conveniently express my opinions about the world to you.

Alternatively through whatever means you found it, you are reading my blog either through a phone, tablet, or a desktop. All of these experiences exist on a two-dimensional plane that cannot allow for movement, conversation expansion, and limited in scope due to the shape of our content metaverse. I personally blame the 2d metaverse for Facebook political fights.

However, to Mr Mark Zuckerberg, the future of digital content advertising is in the third dimension.

And this makes sense. Facebook is no longer actively trying to show you content in a 2d space where we scroll endlessly through miles of written and 2D video content.

More and more often, content is being consumed through podcasts, long form video, 3d pictures you can interact with, and anything that can help us escape our current limitations of the 2D universe.

Enter the 3D Metaverse

For a long time, the Facebook acquisition of oculus ( a VR headset company ) didn’t really seem to make a lot of sense. Why was a big social media advertising conglomerate like Facebook getting into the VR space?

And now the answer is starting to seem more obvious. Facebook has recognized the limitations of this content consumption model.

It might seem a bit abstract at first, but I think there’s a lot of opportunity for marketing pros that get onboard of the 3d space early.

Imagine you are selling furniture, educational courses, therapy, books, or even driving lessons. How valuable would it be for your client to be able to boot up a simulated environment that you control that shows off all of your favorite products exactly the way you want them to see it.

Imagine offering free content courses that people can boot into live straight from their living room set up!

Imagine being able to share workflows immediately with coworkers that can just create a fourth or fifth monitor out of thin air to display your content right in front of their eyes.

Companies like Peloton, and Better help are already expanding their digital presence and eliminating their brick/mortar stores in favor of bringing content in-front of the consumer.

Rather than asking the customer to book an appointment, or visit a location, or attend a free consultation, marketers can now flip the burden of responsibility with investigation of a product directly on themselves.

Not only is this the future, it’s already starting.

Fortnite concerts were Epics way of integrating the future metaverse into present day. EPIC had a platform to integrate with (fortnite) and decided to offer an exclusive concert on their platform. It’s happened again with Ariana Grande on the Fortnite Rift Tour.

In our lifetimes, more and more content will be delivered without somebody ever having to leave their couch.

Mark zuckerberg’s bet is that the interface you will want to use for this ultimate 3D metaverse is the Oculus quest. I think that’s a bit of a high ambition. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

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