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In the ever-changing commercial space, the importance of having a good website is almost as important as having clients! 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. That s more than half of your clients who won’t refer your business if they think your website isn’t up to snuff.  A lot of businesses looking to create a great website on a budget end up looking to WordPress. This is a great way to get started with your website if you are a first-timer. But should you spend all the time learning a new website builder or is there a better way? Today, as a web designer who works at an agency, I’ll be talking about all the benefits of hiring an expert WordPress designer or developer. 

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a WordPress Web Designer

Hiring a WordPress Web Designer is a lot like hiring someone to change the oil in your car. If you learn to do it yourself, you could probably save yourself some money. But do you really want to change the oil in your car every single time? 

Pros of hiring a WordPress Web Designer

  • You can leave the development work, stress, and time to someone who does it every day! 
  • Cheaper tools, integrations, and hosting 
  • Design Expertise

Cons of hiring a WordPress Web Designer

  • High Variability in quality and quantity of WordPress Web Design Experience 
  • Spotty Long-term Support
  • Project management can be a whole ordeal in itself. 
Example blog Post from LK Cooking

We have helped Lindsey improve her DTC marketing flows by improving the design of her blog pages.

In my experience, hiring a WordPress Developer can be a mixed bag if you don’t personally know them. I definitely wouldn’t recommend hiring the first person you find on Fivver or Upwork. Since there is no real test you need to take before calling yourself a WordPress developer, it can be hard to find a diamond amongst the ruff. 

However, if you are smart about who you hire, a good WordPress designer or developer can make all the difference. In the rest of this article, I will be touching on the reasons a great WordPress Developer can create a better website for your business than you could have ever imagined. 

Why It’s a Good Idea to Chose a WordPress Agency for Your Website

A study from 2004 found that 94% of negative website feedback was design-related. At an increasingly alarming rate, users are judging a website more harshly based exclusively on the way it’s designed. Now not to make you feel bad, but your skills trying to build a website for the first time are going to be rough. I like to think back to the first websites I ever designed and I shudder to think at how bad they were…

Even the website I have designed right now… The one you are reading right now… is not where I want it to be. That’s because building a website takes serious time and resources. I can’t work on my personal blog all day at work, I have to reserve that time for my clients. And when I get home, I don’t want to do the same thing I did at work all day either!

The Big Red Jelly Team Making Silly PosesI’m guessing you are the same way. You work hard every single day to make your business run efficiently and effectively. It shouldn’t also fall on you to learn all the latest design trends, philosophies, and styles that help your website convert. Now, an agency… They actually have time to build a website… Like real-time. For example, at Big Red Jelly, we spend hours every week building, designing, learning, and developing within WordPress, Wix, and Shopify so you don’t have to. The time that is freed up by not needing to build or micromanage your own site frees you up to learn about the things that are important to your business. 

WordPress Experts Know What You Need, and Can Help You Figure Out How to Get it Done. 

I recently worked with an Author who wanted to start selling his books online. But when he looked into what it would cost him to sell his books through amazon, he nearly fainted. So he came to me and our team to see what we could do to help him mitigate the costs of selling his new series. 

You can read more about his story here, but the short story is we worked with him to build his own portfolio website where he could blog, and sell his books directly on his own website. He could avoid the fees and headache of dealing with Amazon’s Fee Heavy fulfillment process or he could just ship his own books instead. 

screenshot from k.c. behr About Me pageWe built him an amazing website that serves both as a resource to sell his merchandise and his books, but also serves as a way for him to market himself with blog posts, and email marketing! Ultimately, you as the owner of the website shouldn’t be focused on the overall design. You should be focused on converting users, writing blogs, and creating videos, images, and testimonials to speak to your website’s call to action.

When you are responsible for both the big picture and the minor details of the website… things get missed. On my own web page, I have gone weeks without making edits to the design. Even if I know it’s not great or going to convert, I have posts to edit, images to capture, and links to redirect. It simply comes down to what resources you have and whether are you able to set aside the appropriate time to create something great. 

Working with a WordPress Expert can save you Money for the Same Build. 

Building a website can be a very expensive process. Especially if you don’t know where to start or the tricks of the trade… you can easily spend $1000 on a bunch of useless junk before you realize it. I made that mistake in my first year of managing my own WordPress website. 

This one is a bit more subjective, and might be a little bit more dependent on your location. After all, prices can fluctuate and depend on where you live. Furthermore, prices can vary everywhere depending on whether you’re getting a custom code built, or whether you’re using a platform like Wix WordPress or Shopify.

There are a bunch of hidden costs you may not be aware of. How much should you pay for a domain? Should you buy an SSL certificate through your hosting provider or through your domain registrar? Should you host your website in the same place you bought the domain? What is worth the extra purchase price and what isn’t? 

A WordPress Expert Can Answer All Your Questions Effectively

Are you looking for a comprehensive website that integrates with a high-quality CRM, connects to a chatbot, has a high-ranking SEO rating, runs under the industry average of 2 seconds, and sells products and services while integrating user data to influence future decisions? Developing that on your own can cost you time and a very pretty penny.

But there are ways to save a lot of money while still hitting all these important website goals. In fact, a client of mine that paid less than $2000 and pays about $29 a month in hosting is hitting every single one of these important website basics. Furthermore, WordPress Agencies can usually offer discounts on big integrations that can save you money. We often buy integration licenses in bulk so we can pass on the savings to you. 

But the ultimate cost that I don’t think most people recognize of not having a website. Without a website your marketing material can’t begin, will inevitably run into a stalemate, or at the very least will slow down any significant steps you make along the way of growing your business.

If you would like to work with me and our team at Big Red Jelly, visit and tell them Preston sent you 😉 

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