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In today’s blog post, I want to share some insights I have gained that have taught me how to meditate spiritually. If you are new here, I go by Metaverse Marketer and I have been practicing Meditation daily as part of a spiritual practice I found in the Zen tradition of Buddhism. However, as we frequently say in meditation, you don’t need to use meditation to become a Buddhist, rather you can use it to become more connected to any deity you believe in. So in today’s article, I will be touching on how to use meditation as a Religious Person, or a Spiritual person and give you a guide to understanding the fundamentals of spiritual meditation.

How to Meditate Spiritually…

Using meditation as a form of spiritual connection can seem like a complicated process but in fact, it can be very easy. However, there are two different approaches I want to touch on because they differ in practice.

…as a Religious Person.

Spiritual meditation as a religious person can be harder to start but once you get the hang of it, it can be easier to maintain long-term. That’s because if your religion does not actively make it a priority to emphasize and teach meditation practices, it can feel like you are trying to do so alone.

Why spiritual meditation is harder if you do it alone.

Meditating alone is infamously hard. You have to sit with yourself, identify what you are going to meditate on, and try and plan out how it connects to your sense of religion. If you are a religious person who has tried meditation on your own, the best recommendation I can give you is to find a meditation partner.

Why having a meditation partner can make spiritual meditation easier.

Spiritual meditation is by definition working to find your connection to your deity. No matter what religion you come from, this is true. And no matter what religion you come from, the deity connects better within the community. This is why religions ask us to meet communally because we are only able to do so much on our own.

…without religion

If you are not a religious person, meditation is easier to start but can be harder to maintain over the long term. After all, there are lots of apps, books, and gurus out there that will teach you how to meditate – some even include a spiritual component to them.

However, using guided meditation apps can bring you to meditation pitfalls, where you are doing meditations that connect you to other people’s sense of spirituality rather than your own.

How to find spirituality through meditation

As nonreligious people explore meditation, first consider what helps you feel connected. Nonreligious meditation that connects us to spirituality can mean many different things to different people. For myself, spirituality means by ability to connect to myself, my surroundings, and my relationships with all living beings.

For you, that spiritual definition might look a little different. To help you find your sense of spirituality, short mantras or gata’s can be helpful for finding your sense of connection.

Helpful Gatas for finding spirituality in Meditation. 

My first favorite gata for connecting with my spiritual self is a meditation from Tich Naht Hanh’s final Darma Talk which can be found on youtube here. 

Breathing In, Breathing Out.
Breathing In, I know my stomach is rising
Breathing out, My abdomen is falling.
In, Rising…
Out, Falling…

This gata is meant to help us to recenter and align ourselves better in the present moment. Meditation and spirituality require us to first come back to our body, and by starting with this gata, we can come back to the present moment.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Spiritual Meditation

At its core, spiritual meditation encompasses various techniques that facilitate self-reflection, mindfulness, and spiritual growth. These practices go beyond the physical realm and delve into the depths of our consciousness. From breathwork to visualization, each technique serves as a gateway to explore the inner realms of our existence.

Observation of our Thoughts

By cultivating mindfulness through meditation, we learn to be fully present in the moment, observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This heightened awareness allows us to detach from external distractions and connect with our true essence. Through regular practice, we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and gain clarity on our life’s purpose.


Breathwork is another fundamental aspect of spiritual meditation. By consciously directing our breath in specific patterns or rhythms, we tap into the vital life force within us. This practice not only calms the mind but also energizes the body, promoting a harmonious balance between physical and spiritual well-being.


Visualization is yet another powerful tool employed in spiritual meditation. By creating vivid mental images or scenarios during meditation sessions, we can manifest positive changes in our lives. Visualization helps us align with our desires, paving the way for personal growth and transformation.

Setting the Right Environment for Spiritual Meditation

Creating the perfect environment for spiritual meditation is essential to enhance your practice and deepen your connection with yourself and the divine. By setting up a sacred space and cultivating a calming atmosphere, you can create an environment that supports your meditation journey.

One of the first steps in setting the right environment is to designate a specific area as your sacred space. This could be a whole room or even just a corner of a room. Clear out any clutter or distractions from this space, allowing it to be solely dedicated to your practice. Consider adding elements such as candles, incense, or meaningful objects that hold spiritual significance to you.

When it comes to the setup of your meditation room, simplicity is key. Choose comfortable cushions or chairs for seating and ensure that they are positioned in a way that promotes good posture and relaxation. Soft lighting can help create a soothing ambiance, so consider using dimmable lights or natural light sources like windows or skylights.

Creating a calming atmosphere involves engaging all of your senses. Play gentle instrumental music or nature sounds in the background to help drown out external noise and create an atmosphere of tranquility. Consider using aromatherapy by diffusing essential oils known for their relaxing properties such as lavender or sandalwood.

Lastly, keep in mind that maintaining cleanliness and orderliness within your sacred space is crucial. Regularly cleanse the area with sage smudging or other purification rituals to remove any negative energies and promote positive vibrations.

By setting up a sacred space with careful attention to detail, you are creating an environment that supports deep relaxation, focus, and spiritual growth during meditation sessions. Take the time to curate this special place where you can escape from daily distractions and connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Preparing Yourself Mentally and Emotionally for a Deep Spiritual Journey

Mindset preparation is essential to create a conducive environment for your spiritual journey. It involves cultivating an open and receptive mindset, free from judgment or preconceived notions. By approaching your journey with curiosity and openness, you allow yourself to explore new perspectives and experiences without resistance.

In addition to mindset preparation, it is important to address any emotional baggage that may hinder your progress during meditation. Emotional release techniques can help you let go of past traumas or negative emotions that may surface during your spiritual journey. These techniques may include journaling, breathwork, or guided visualization exercises that facilitate the release of pent-up emotions.

By engaging in these practices prior to meditation, you create a safe space for emotional healing and growth. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment during your deep spiritual journey, enabling profound insights and self-discovery.

Remember that preparing yourself mentally and emotionally is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Each time you embark on a spiritual journey, take the time to cultivate the right mindset and practice emotional release techniques as needed. By doing so, you empower yourself to delve deeper into your consciousness and unlock the transformative power of spirituality.

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